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Townsend Seventh Day Adventist Church
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The following information is available for Townsend Seventh Day Adventist Church:

This page is created for the Townsend, Montana community to come and ask for prayer or to find out what is going on in our little church.

This page is created for the Townsend, Montana community to come and ask for prayer or to find out what is going on in our little church.

Opening hours

Ready for a visit? Check the following opening hours for Townsend Seventh Day Adventist Church:

Saturday:09:00 am - 12:00 pm

Note that opening hours may vary based on (public) holidays.

Townsend Seventh Day Adventist Church can be found at the following address:

200 N Cedar Street

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Physically, Sampson was the strongest man upon the earth; but in self-control, integrity, and firmness, he was one of the weakest of men. Many mistake strong passions for a strong character, but the truth is that he who is mastered by his passions is a weak man. The real greatness of the man is by the power of the feelings that he controls, not by those that control him.


Jesus could have called more than 12 legions of angels, but instead, He died willingly for you and me. Matthew 26:53 The word legion is a Roman Army military term that denoted at least 6000 soldiers. He could have saved Himself instead of me. Think about that for a few moments....


I have to admit, I always wondered what this part of Psalm 23 meant. I thought “He anoints my head with oil” was figurative language for God keeping the Psalmist healthy. I never knew this parallel. Anoint my head with oil “Sheep can get their head caught in briers and die trying to get untangled. There are horrid little flies that like to torment sheep by laying eggs in their nostrils which turn into worms and drive the sheep to beat their head against a rock, sometimes to death. Their ears and eyes are also susceptible to tormenting insects. So the shepherd anoints their whole head with oil. Then there is peace. That oil forms a barrier of protection against the evil that tries to destroy the sheep. Do you have times of mental torment? Do the worrisome thoughts invade your mind over and over? Do you beat your head against a wall trying to stop them? Have you ever asked God to anoint your head with oil? He has an endless supply! His oil protects and makes it possible for you to fix your heart, mind, and eyes on Him today and always! There is peace in the valley! May our good good Father anoint your head with oil today so that your cup overflows with blessings! God is good and He is faithful!!” Author Unknown So amazing!


Congratulations to our very own Dusty Schellenberg on your public profession to follow Christ. It has been a blessing to watch you grow and take this step. Stay close to Jesus. Welcome to the family of God!


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, thank you for your patience towards each one of us. We know that we don’t deserve your mercy, yet your love is evident in our lives. Please grant us your strength to do your will and the wisdom to make the right decisions. It is our hearts desire to also be patient with those who trespass against us and help us reflect your character in all of our interactions. This is our prayer in Jesus name, Amen. - SPANISH Oración para hoy: Padre celestial, gracias por tu paciencia hacia cada uno de nosotros. Sabemos que no merecemos tu misericordia, pero tu amor es evidente en nuestras vidas. Por favor, danos tu fuerza para hacer tu voluntad y la sabiduría para tomar las decisiones correctas. Es el deseo de nuestro corazón ser pacientes con aquellos quienes nos ofenden y yúdanos a reflejar tu carácter en todas nuestras interacciones. Esta es nuestra oración en el nombre de Jesús, Amén. ~Elden Ramirez Montana Conference President


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, in a world full of broken dreams where the truth is hard to find we thank you for your unfailing love. We praise your name because even though times and people may change we can always trust and count on you. Thank you for always keeping your promises. Please help us to be more like you in all of our interactions. That we may reflect your character daily. Give us the strength, resources and ability to always fulfill our promises just like you do. It’s our prayer and hearts’ desire in Jesus name, Amen! -SPANISH Oración para hoy: Padre celestial, en un mundo lleno de sueños rotos donde la verdad es difícil de encontrar, te agradecemos por tu amor inquebrantable. Alabamos tu nombre porque aunque los tiempos y las personas suelen cambiar, siempre podemos confiar y contar contigo. Gracias por que siempre cumples tus promesas. Ayúdanos a ser más como tú en todas nuestras interacciones. Que podamos reflejar tu personaje a diario. Danos la fuerza, los recursos y la capacidad para que al igual que tu nosotros también podamos cumplir siempre nuestras promesas. Es nuestra oración y nuestro deseo de corazón en el nombre de Jesús, ¡Amén! ~Elden Ramirez Montana Conference President


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, please help us to rejoice in the midst of adversities for we know that in a little while we are going home. Help us to remember an live by the words of the Apostle Paul written in Philippians‬ ‭4:4-7 “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians‬ ‭4:4-7‬) In Jesus name we pray, Amen! - SPANISH Oración para hoy: Padre celestial, por favor, ayúdanos a regocijarnos en medio de las adversidades reconociendo que dentro de poco vamos a tu patria celestial. Ayúdanos a siempre recordar y vivir nuestras vidas siguiendo el consejo del apóstol Pablo cuando escribió, “Regocijaos en el Señor siempre. Otra vez digo: ¡Regocijaos! Vuestra gentileza sea conocida de todos los hombres. El Señor está cerca. Por nada estéis afanosos, sino sean conocidas vuestras peticiones delante de Dios en toda oración y ruego, con acción de gracias. Y la paz de Dios, que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, guardará vuestros corazones y vuestros pensamientos en Cristo Jesús.” (Filipenses‬ ‭4:4-7‬ ) En el nombre de Jesús, Amen! ~Elden Ramirez Montana Conference President


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, we come before you in gratitude for your mercy and grace. As we live for you today, it is our prayer that our words may bring honor and glory to your name. For the times we have fallen short, we ask your forgiveness. Please restore that which is broken and bring joy once again where laughter has disappeared and for the friendships that are broken, please put the pieces back together again. It is our prayer in Jesus name, Amen! SPANISH Oración para hoy: Padre celestial, venimos ante ti en gratitud por tu misericordia y gracia. Al vivir para ti el día de hoy, nuestra oración es que nuestras palabras den honor y gloria a tu nombre. Por las veces que hemos fallado, te pedimos perdón. Por favor restaura lo que está roto y trae alegría una vez más donde la risa ha desaparecido y las amistades que hand sido quebrantadas, por favor restaurarlas. Es nuestra oración en el nombre de Jesús, ¡Amén! ~Elden Ramirez Montana Conference President


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, thank you once again that before creation we existed in your thoughts. Thank you that even though you knew we were going to be defective you still created us. Thank you for making previsions by having the plan of salvation in place so that we would have the assurance of salvation and everlasting life. We will for ever be grateful for your immeasurable love that you have for us. It is our hearts’ desire to glorify you not only with our actions, but also with our words and thoughts. We want to fulfill the call you have for our lives, and be a blessing to the nations as it was written by your prophet Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” (‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1:5)‬ ‭ Please baptize each one of us with a double portion of your Holy Spirit so that we may be a blessing to those you place in our path. It is our prayer in your beloved Son’s precious name, Jesus Christ, our redeemer and friend, Amen. SPANISH Oración para hoy: Padre celestial, gracias una vez más porque antes de la creación existíamos en tus pensamientos. Gracias porque, aunque sabías que íbamos a ser defectuosos, aún así nos creaste. Gracias por que desde un principio ya habías hecho previsión al tener el plan de salvación en su lugar para que podamos tener la seguridad de la salvación y la vida eterna. Estaremos siempre agradecidos por el inmensurable amor que tienes por nosotros. El deseo de nuestros corazones es glorificarte no solo con nuestras acciones, sino también con nuestras palabras y pensamientos. Queremos cumplir el llamado que tienes para nuestras vidas y ser una bendición para las naciones como lo escribió tu profeta Jeremías: “Antes de formarte en el vientre te conocí; Antes de que nacieras te santifiqué; Te di por profeta a las naciones. ”(Jeremías 1: 5) Por favor bautiza a cada uno de nosotros con una doble porción de tu Santo Espíritu para que podamos ser una bendición para aquellos que pones en nuestro camino. Es nuestra oración en el precioso nombre de tu Hijo amado, Cristo Jesús, nuestro amigo y redentor, Amén. ~Elden Ramirez Montana Conference President


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, thank you for walking with us in times of trouble, for being our strength when we are weak. As it is written: “The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him.” (Nahum‬ ‭1:7‬) We praise your name for you are a good and merciful God. We cling to you and ask that you would never leave us nor forsake us. This is our prayer in Jesus name, Amen! ‭ SPANISH Oración para hoy: Padre celestial, gracias por caminar con nosotros en tiempos angustiosos, por ser nuestra fortaleza en nuestra debilidad. Como está escrito: “Jehová es bueno, fortaleza en el día de la angustia; Y Él conoce a los que en Él confían. ”(Nahum 1: 7) Alabamos tu nombre porque eres un Dios bueno y misericordioso. Nos aferramos a ti y pedimos que nunca nos desampares ni nos abandones. Esta es nuestra oración en el nombre de Jesús, Amén! ~Elden Ramirez Montana Conference President


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, thank you for your everlasting love. It is so amazing to know that even before we knew you, you had an infinite love for us. Your mercy and grace go beyond our human understanding and we’ll forever praise your name for your goodness. Please, place in our hearts your love towards others. Not just for our fellow believers but specially for those who don’t know you. It is our hearts desire to reflect your love so others would know through our interactions that you really care for them. Is in Jesus name that we pray and thank you. Amen! Oración para hoy: Padre celestial, gracias por tu amor eterno. Es tan asombroso saber que incluso antes que te conociéramos, tú ya tenías un amor infinito por nosotros. Tu misericordia y gracia van más allá del entendimiento humano y siempre alabáremos tu nombre por tus bondades. Por favor, coloca en nuestros corazones tu amor hacia los demás. No solo para nuestros hermanos en Cristo, sino especialmente para aquellos que no te conocen. Es el deseo de nuestros corazones reflejar tu amor para que otros sepan que realmente tu te interesas por ellos. Es en el nombre de Jesús que oramos y te agradecemos. ¡Amén! ~Elden Ramirez Montana Conference President


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, thank you for providing us with your word that shines our path, one step at a time. Leading us in the way we should walk. Please deliver us from believing that we know the way and can make it on our own. May we always rely on you and trust you with our lives. Specially when we are not able to see fully what’s ahead. Please also guide our children and show them the way they should walk. May they prosper as they commit their lives to you and grow closer to Jesus. Is in His name that we pray and thank you. Amen! -SPANISH Oración para hoy: Padre celestial, gracias por darnos tu palabra que ilumina nuestro camino, paso a paso. Guiándonos en el camino que deberíamos caminar. Por favor, libéranos de creer que conocemos el camino y podemos hacerlo por nuestra cuenta. Que siempre podamos confiar y encomendar nuestras vidas a ti. Especialmente cuando no somos capaces de ver completamente lo que está por delante. Por favor, guía también a nuestros hijos y muéstrales el camino que deben seguir. Que puedan prosperar a medida que encomienden sus vidas a ti y se acerquen más a Jesús. Es en su nombre que oramos y te agradecemos. ¡Amén!


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, hallowed be your name! Like your servant King David we also cling to you and say, “Make me know Your ways, O LORD; and Teach me Your paths” (Psalm 25:4) it is our hearts’ desire to walk in Jesus’ footsteps and to honor you with our actions, words, and even our thoughts. As frail humans it is impossible to do it on our own so we ask that you do not be far from us, for you are our strength; who comes quickly to help us in time of need. (Psalm 22:19) Above all things we thank you that in Jesus Christ we have become a new creature and can live throughout this new year with the joy that comes from knowing that with your intervention and your multiple blessings we will remain in him and by your grace we will shine his light to this broken world. It is in His name that we pray and thank you, Amen! SPANISH Oración para hoy: Padre celestial santificado sea tu nombre! Como tu siervo, el rey David, también nos aferramos a ti y te decimos: “Hazme conocer tus caminos, oh SEÑOR; y enséñame tus caminos ”(Salmo 25: 4) Es el deseo de nuestros corazones caminar en los pasos de Jesús y honrarte con nuestras acciones, palabras, e incluso con nuestros pensamientos. Como seres humanos frágiles, es imposible hacerlo por nuestra cuenta, por eso te rogamos que no te alejes de nosotros, porque tu eres nuestra fortaleza; que viene rápidamente a nuestro auxilio en tiempos de necesidad. (Salmo 22:19) Sobre todo te agradecemos que en Jesucristo somos transformados en una nueva criatura y podemos vivir todo este año con el gozo que se obtiene al saber que con tu intervención y tus múltiples bendiciones permaneceremos en él y por tu gracia brillaremos tu luz a este mundo quebrantado. Es en su nombre que oramos y te agradecemos, ¡Amén!


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, thank you that in your word we find the blessed promised that you will supply all our needs according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19) We know that we are not worthy to receive such blessings but in your infinite love you bestow your mercy to us that is manifested in everything you do. We are grateful for our daily bread and roof over our head. For family and friends and for filling the emptiness that sometimes we face when we are alone. Today we pray specifically for those that may be alone with broken hearts. Please restore in them the joy that comes when you reveal yourself to us. Let them experience the power of your Holy Spirit. Supply them the one thing that no one else can fulfill. Like Your servants Paul and Silas, allow them to sing even in the most difficult situations. It is evident that you had supplied them with a double portion of your Spirit, that even after being stripped down, beaten and thrown into prison they had a song in their heart. (Acts 16:22-25) Heavenly Father, is in Jesus name that we claim this beautiful promise found in Philippians 4:19 on their behalf. We promise that when their joy is restore, we will give you the honor and glory. For you alone are worthy to be praise. Hallowed be your Name, your kingdom come your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, Amen! -SPANISH Oración para hoy: Padre celestial, gracias porque en tu palabra encontramos la bendita promesa que suplirás todas nuestras necesidades conforme a tus riquezas en gloria en Cristo Jesús. (Filipenses 4:19) Sabemos que no somos dignos de recibir tales bendiciones, pero en tu amor infinito nos concedes tu misericordia que se manifiestan en todo lo que haces. Estamos agradecidos por nuestro pan cotidiano y el techo sobre nuestra cabeza. Por nuestros familiares y amigos y por llenar el vacío que a veces enfrentamos cuando estamos solos. Hoy oramos específicamente por aquellos que pueden estar solos con los corazones quebrantados. Por favor, restaura en ellos el gozo que viene cuando te revelas en nuestras vidas. Déjalos que experimenten el poder de tu Espíritu Santo. Provéeles lo único que nadie más puede suplirles. Al igual que tus siervos, Pablo y Silas, permíteles que puedan elevar un canto, incluso en las situaciones más difíciles. Es evidente que les habías otorgado una doble porción de tu Espíritu que incluso después de ser desnudados, golpeados y encarcelados, conservaban una canción en su corazón. (Hechos 16: 22-25) Padre Celestial, es en el nombre de Jesús que clamamos esta hermosa promesa encontrada en Filipenses 4:19. Prometemos que cuando tu alegría sea restaurada en los corazones, te daremos el honor y la gloria. Porque solo tú eres digno de recibir nuestra adoración. Santificado sea tu Nombre, venga tu reino, hágase tu voluntad, en la tierra como en el cielo, ¡Amén!


Father in heaven, thank you for the friends you have provided. They are a blessing to us in the journey of life. Above all, thank you that you also consider us your friends regardless of our short comings. Who are we that you would look at us with love and compassion and that you would consider us your friends? We recognized that we are not worthy of such love, but thank you for your amazing love towards us. Please help us to become more like Jesus so that we may love others unconditional and reflect His character each day. It is our prayer and hearts’ desire that we may walk humbly and do only what is right before your eyes as we patiently wait for the return of our Savior, your beloved Son, in whom we pray, and thank you, Amen! _ SPANISH Padre celestial, gracias por los amigos que has proporcionado. Son una bendición para nosotros en el camino de la vida. Sobre todo, te agradecemos porque también nos consideras tus amigos a pesar de nuestros errores. ¿Quiénes somos para que nos mires con amor y compasión y nos consideres tus amigos? Reconocemos que no somos dignos de tal amor, pero te agradecemos por tu increíble amor hacia nosotros. Por favor ayúdanos a ser más como Jesús para poder amar a otros incondicionalmente y así reflejar su carácter cada día. Es nuestro deseo y oración el poder caminar humildemente y hagamos solo lo que es correcto ante tus ojos mientras esperamos pacientemente el regreso de nuestro Salvador, tu Hijo amado, en quien oramos, y te agradecemos ¡Amén!


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, throughout life many are those who share with us their counsel. Pointing to us the direction they think we should go. Unfortunately there are times they don't realize that such words of advice come from a broken and selfish heart, for they think only of personal gain rather that having a sacrificial spirit and put others before themselves. Please grant us the wisdom to discern Your will in the midst of every advice, so our work of saving souls may prosper. Give us the ability to always know what is good counsel and what are merely desires of men. Our hearts’ desire is to do your will. To do only what is wright before your eyes. In Jesus name, Amen. - SPANISH: Padre celestial, a lo largo de la vida muchos son los que comparten con nosotros sus consejos. Señalándonos la dirección en la que piensan que debemos ir. Desafortunadamente algunas veces no se dan cuenta que esas palabras de consejo provienen de un corazón quebrantado y egoísta, porque piensan sólo en el beneficio personal, en lugar de tener un espíritu de sacrificio y poner a los demás en primer lugar antes que a sí mismos. Por favor, concédenos la sabiduría para discernir Tu voluntad en medio de todos los consejos, para que la obra de salvar almas pueda prosperar. Danos la capacidad para siempre poder discernir entre lo que es un buen consejo y lo que son simplemente deseos humanos. El deseo de nuestro corazón es hacer tu voluntad. Hacer únicamente lo que es correcto delate de tus ojos. En el nombre de Jesús, Amén.


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, as we reflect on our blessings, even though we are surrounded by grief and pain, there are still countless reasons to be thankful. The main reason we will for ever be thankful for is the sacrifice of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Through His death and resurrection we now have the assurance of salvation. Not even death can hold our loved ones in the grave. That’s why we will praise your name with all our hearts and tell everyone the marvelous things you have done. Please accept our worship that flows from a thankful heart. Even in the midst of the challenges we face, we recognize that it’s because your mercy and grace that we remain standing. Thank you Father for your amazing saving grace. Thank you for your goodness and for providing in our needs. Please continue to transform our hearts so that we may reflect your compassion with those who don’t know you. It is through our daily interactions with others that we want to ultimately express our gratitude towards you. Loving our neighbor unconditionally just like you have commanded. It is in Jesus precious name that we pray and thank you. Amen! - SPANISH Oración de hoy: Padre celestial, mientras reflexionamos sobre nuestras bendiciones, aunque estamos rodeados de tristeza y dolor, todavía hay innumerables razones para estar agradecidos. La razón principal por la que siempre estaremos agradecidos es por el sacrificio de tu hijo amado, nuestro Señor Jesucristo. A través de Su muerte y resurrección ahora tenemos la seguridad de la salvación. Ni siquiera la muerte puede detener a nuestros seres queridos en la tumba. Es por eso que alabaremos tu nombre con todo nuestro corazón y le diremos a todos las cosas maravillosas que has hecho. Acepta nuestra adoración que fluye de un corazón agradecido. Incluso en medio de los desafíos que enfrentamos, reconocemos que es por tu misericordia y gracia que permanecemos en pie. Gracias Padre por tu increíble gracia salvadora. Gracias por tu bondad y proveer en nuestras necesidades. Continúa transformando nuestros corazones para que podamos reflejar tu compasión con aquellos que no te conocen. Es a través de nuestras interacciones diarias con los demás que queremos finalmente expresar nuestra gratitud hacia ti. Amar a nuestro prójimo incondicionalmente tal como lo has ordenado. Es en el precioso nombre de Jesús que oramos y agradecemos todas estas cosas. ¡Amén!


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, thank you for your saving grace. Our minds will never comprehend the intensity of your love and compassion towards us. We praise the name of Jesus for He did not come into this world to condemn but rather to save the fallen human race. Please forgive us for the times that we have become judgmental towards others. As Christians who profess to follow Jesus and strive to walk humbly before you like He did, there should be no room in our hearts and minds to condemn those who don’t think like we do. Time and time again we push people away from you with our self righteous attitude. We know that such actions and thoughts are not acceptable before your eyes. Please help us to love our neighbors regardless of their human condition. Heavenly Father, please answer our prayers on their behalf for them to have an encounter with Jesus Christ, and experience for themselves your irresistible amazing love. We don’t want to get in the way of you reaching, saving, and restoring those who are in desperate need of you. Is in Jesus name that we pray and thank you, Amen! - SPANISH Oración para hoy: Padre celestial, gracias por tu gracia salvadora. Nuestras mentes nunca comprenderán la intensidad de tu amor y compasión hacia nosotros. Alabamos el nombre de Jesús porque Él no vino al mundo para condenar, sino para salvar a la raza humana caída. Por favor, perdónanos por los momentos en que nos hemos vuelto críticos con otros. Como cristianos que profesamos seguir a Jesús y nos esforzamos por caminar humildemente delante de ti como lo hizo Jesús, no debería existir en nuestra mente y corazón la acción de condenar a quienes no piensen como nosotros. Una y otra vez empujamos a las personas lejos de ti con nuestra actitud de justicia propia. Sabemos que tales acciones y pensamientos no son aceptables ante tus ojos. Por favor ayúdanos a amar a nuestros semejantes sin importar su condición humana. Padre celestial, responde a las oraciones que hacemos en tu nombre para que tengan un encuentro con Jesucristo y experimenten por sí mismos tu increíble y asombroso amor. No queremos estorbar el que tu alcances, salves y restaurares a quienes te necesitan desesperadamente. Es en el nombre de Jesús que oramos y le agradecemos, ¡Amén! ~Elden Ramirez Montana Conference President


Prayer for today, Father in heaven, it is so easy to love those who are kind, gentle and love us unconditionally, but it’s totally different when we receive rejection and feel unappreciated. Please transform our hearts to be more like Jesus. To love those who consider us their enemy. To pray for those who are looking to harm us. We know that on our own is impossible, but with you all things are possible. We long to live the purpose driven life that you have for us. To reflect the character of your Son daily. We know that for many unbelievers we are the only example of Christianity they will ever know, and we don’t want to fail. It is our hearts’ desire to witness of your compassion, mercy and grace to everyone we encounter in this broken world. We commit our lives to you today, and ask that you continue to walk with us through your Holy Spirit. Is in Jesus name that we pray, Amen. - SPANISH Oración para hoy, Padre celestial, es tan fácil amar a quienes son amables, gentiles, y nos aman incondicionalmente, pero es totalmente diferente cuando recibimos el rechazo y nos sentimos despreciados. Por favor, transforma nuestros corazones para ser más como Jesús. Amar a quienes nos consideran su enemigo. Orar por aquellos que buscan hacernos daño. Sabemos que por nuestra cuenta propia es imposible, pero contigo todas las cosas son posibles. Anhelamos vivir el propósito que tienes para nuestras vidas. A reflejar el carácter de tu Hijo diariamente. Sabemos que para muchos que aún no te conocen, somos el único ejemplo de cristianismo que conocerán, y no queremos fallar. Es el deseo de nuestros corazones dar testimonio de tu compasión, misericordia y gracia hacia todos los que nos encontramos en este mundo quebrantado. Hoy entregamos nuestras vidas a ti y pedimos que continúes caminando a nuestro lado por medio de tu Espíritu Santo. Es en el nombre de Jesús que oramos, Amén. ~Elden Ramirez Montana Conference President


Prayer for today: Father in heaven, thank you for sending your beloved Son to show us the way that we should walk. His teachings clearly manifest your love and heart’s desire for us. We don’t take for granted the time Jesus came to this world to live amongst us and impart your promises that bring us peace. It is such a great joy to know that He will soon return to make all things right. As we patiently wait for His return and continue to live in the midst of this hurting world, help us to reflect your peace. Please provide us with divine appointments to invite others to join us in this life journey so they may also experience the peace that surpasses all understanding. It is in Jesus name that we pray and thank you, Amen! - SPANISH Oración para hoy: Padre celestial, gracias por enviar a tu Hijo amado para que nos muestre el camino que debemos seguir. Sus enseñanzas manifiestan claramente tu amor y el deseo de tu corazón por nosotros. No tomamos livianamente el momento en que Jesús vino a este mundo para vivir entre nosotros e impartir sus promesas que nos traen paz. Es un gran gozo saber que Él pronto regresará para restaurar todo lo quebrantado. Mientras esperamos pacientemente su regreso y continuamos viviendo en medio de este mundo herido, ayúdanos a reflejar tu paz. Por favor, danos citas divinas para invitar a otros a unirse a nosotros en esta jornada de la vida para que también puedan experimentar la paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento. Es en el nombre de Jesús que oramos y le agradecemos, ¡Amén! ~Elden Ramirez Montana Conference President


Here you can find pictures from Townsend Seventh Day Adventist Church:


Here you can find videos from Townsend Seventh Day Adventist Church:

Carpenters for God

Mount Ellis Academy Bell Choir from Bozeman, MT at Townsend Seventh-Day Adventist Church September 29, 2018

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19 N Broadway, Billings
The Pollard
2 N Broadway Ave, Red Lodge
Bernerhof Inn
342 Route 302, Glen
Bed and Breakfast, Hotel Resort
Flathead Lake Lodge
150 Flathead Lodge Rd, Bigfork
Hotel Resort
Tamaracks Resort
3481 MT-83, Seeley Lake
Campground, Hotel
Mountain Sky Guest Ranch
480 Big Creek Road, Emigrant
Hotel Resort
Triple Creek Ranch, A Montana Hideaway
5551 W Fork Rd, Darby
Hotel Resort
Eagle Mountain House & Golf Club
179 Carter Notch Rd, Jackson
Hotel Resort
Rainbow Ranch Lodge & Restaurant
42950 Gallatin Rd, Gallatin Gateway
The Ranch at Rock Creek
79 Carriage House Ln, Philipsburg
Hotel Resort
Hidden Moose Lodge
1735 E Lakeshore Dr, Whitefish
Bed and Breakfast, Hotel Resort
Real estate agents nearby

Also check these Real estate agents nearby:

Ranches at Belt Creek
277 Armington Road, Belt
Real Estate Developer, Real Estate Service
Dawn Maddux - Engel & Völkers Western Frontier
321 N Higgins, Missoula
Real Estate Agent
Brett Kelly Group at Performance Real Estate
1803 3rd Ave East, Kalispell
Real Estate Agent
Yellowstone Club
Big Sky
Real Estate Agent
Fay Ranches, Inc.
395 Gallatin Park Dr, Bozeman
Real Estate Agent
Philip Shields Real Estate
800 N. Benton Ave., Helena
Real Estate Agent
Montana - Dakota Real Estate
1720 Crisafulli Dr #49, Glendive
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
Curtis Real Estate
2825 Stockyard A-10, Missoula
Real Estate Agent
Merrilee Valentine - Lambros Real Estate ERA
3011 American Way, Missoula
Real Estate Agent
Dori Johnson, Realtor, GRI, MRP at Coldwell Banker The Falls Real Estate
Great Falls
Real Estate Agent
Western Skies Real Estate - Tannis Kramer
960 S 24th St W, Ste A1, Billings
Real Estate Agent
Realtor Susan Staffordsmith Century 21 Action Plus Realty
10 N County Line Rd, Jackson
Real Estate Agent
Dunn Deal Real Estate
Montana Real Estate Brokers 2050 Broadwater Ave, Ste B, Billings
Home Staging Service, Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
Liz Francis -North Acre Real Estate
2700 2nd Ave N,, Billings
Real Estate Agent
Alicia Donovan - Realtor at Montana Real Estate Brokers
2050 Broadwater, Billings
Real Estate Agent
A Haus of Realty
20 Montana Ave., Laurel
Real Estate Agent
Bozeman Real Estate Group
389 S. Ferguson Ave, Bozeman
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Company
Charlotte & Co. Real Estate
105 East Oak Street, Suite 1D, Bozeman
Real Estate Agent
Hart Real Estate Solutions
626 S Ferguson Ave, #2, Bozeman
Real Estate Agent
Aubrey Hutchison Real Estate
130 Neill Ave Ste A, Helena
Real Estate Agent
Jason Baker Team - Keller Williams Western Montana Real Estate
2935 Stockyard Rd L5, Missoula
Real Estate Agent
Tim Mascarena w/Metro Realtors
2029 Grand Ave, Billings
Real Estate Agent
Lisa Soubasis - Keller Williams Realty Monmouth/Ocean
353 N. County Line Road, Jackson
Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Service
Jason Leininger Realtor
851 Shiloh Crossing Blvd Suite 4, Billings
Real Estate Agent
Mountain Home-Montana Vacation Rentals
224 E Main St, Bozeman
Real Estate Agent
Hair salons nearby

Also check these Hair salons nearby:

Master Barber of Missoula
1300 S Reserve St Suite D, Missoula
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
The Beauty Mark Salon LLC
805 24th St W, Ste 5, Billings
Barber Shop, Hair Salon, Nail Salon
FABRiK Salon
215 E Main St, Missoula
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
T.L Slicks Barber Shop and Shave Parlor
101 E Center st, Kalispell
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
The Barbershop and Shaving Parlor
113 E Oak St, Bozeman
Barber Shop, Hair Salon
Nail-issimo Salon & Spa
2215 Broadwater Avenue, Billings
Barber Shop, Hair Salon, Nail Salon
Theory Hair Salon
802 North Wallace, Suite B, Bozeman
Hair Salon
Nail Toepia Kalispell
332 Main St, Kalispell
Nail Salon
Canvas Studios, Missoula
429 Madison St, Missoula
Hair Salon
Sugar n Spice Salon
3255 Hecla, Butte
Cosmetics Store, Hair Salon, Skin Care Service
Studio Montage Salon and Spa
118 Central Ave, Ste 2, Great Falls
Hair Salon, Nail Salon, Skin Care Service
The Rustic
824 Shiloh Crossing Blvd, Suite 4, Billings
Hair Salon, Nail Salon
Blown Away Salon & Spa
2010 Grand Ave, Ste 3, Billings
Hair Salon, Nail Salon
Boom Swagger Salon
204 S 3rd St W, Missoula
Hair Salon
Burton's Classic Hair Co.
3410 S Reserve St, Missoula
Hair Extensions Service, Hair Salon, Nail Salon
EnVogue Salon
533 1st Ave E, Columbia Falls
Hair Salon, Nail Salon
Classic Haircuts LLC
5601 9th Ave S, Great Falls
Hair Salon
Revive Salon
81305 Gallatin Rd, Unit B, Bozeman
Hair Salon, Makeup Artist, Skin Care Service
443 Hill St, Missoula
Hair Salon, Nail Salon
Lisa Wild Hair Studio
1127 Harmon Stream Blvd, Bozeman
Hair Salon
Sierra~ Stylist Page
407 West Main/ Rogue Salon, Bozeman
Hair Salon
Blu Camomile
2405 W Main St, Ste 9, Bozeman
Hair Salon
Salon Avalon
3210 Henesta Dr, Ste C, Billings
Hair Salon
Be-you-tiful Salon LLC
525 Central Ave, # L6, Great Falls
Hair Removal Service, Hair Salon, Nail Salon
Evolve Hair Studio
222 1st Ave E, Kalispell
Hair Salon, Nail Salon